Part One: 

32 artists across all art forms, ages, ethnicities selected by a lottery system for an embedded residency worth €2400 each to include 10 days of embedded engagement, ongoing consultation with a process manager, 1 day of workshop and feedback with the other artists within the province and 1 day of reporting to the Assembly. 

Criteria for eligibility:

  • A knowledge of the arts ecosystem in the county of application

  • Willingness to work with the methodologies and recommendations of the Art Assembly 

  • Availability to attend provincial meeting and present at a specified time to the Art Assembly 

  • Evidence of professional practice


  • Five process managers from the Roots For The Future Collective to design the callout.

  • Call out for Climate Artist Lottery opens 

  • Eligible candidates entered into lottery 

  • Candidates selected and introduced to Process Manager / Local Authority 

  • 10 day residency takes place 

  • Provincial Gathering of Munster / Ulster / Leinster / Connacht with workshop and feedback on emerging ideas and observations about the local cultural and natural ecosystems. The provincial workshops will be used to establish what common themes and challenges are occurring locally in order to determine what experts would be best to contribute to the Assembly. 

  • Process Managers to research and recruit experts according to established themes and ideas. 

Part Two: 

100 people from across the arts sector including artists, arts workers, arts organisations, crafts people selected through a lottery to participate in the Climate Art Assembly. Representatives of the more than human and ‘wild cards’ who may apply from the wider population will also be included. A stipend is offered to each participant for their time. The Assembly meetings cover 5 weekends across a 12 month period. The first four meetings are used to present provincial group findings and experts responding to themes and challenges established in the region. Each meeting also includes training and upskilling presentations and potentially field trips to sites of note. The final meeting is to agree on a final list of recommendations and to vote on those recommendations. Recommendations presented at a launch and conference to local and national stakeholders including arts organisations, funders, local authorities and central government.

Criteria for eligibility:

  • Availability across the five meetings schedule for the Assembly 

  • Evidence of a practice or career within the Arts Sector 

We would like to hear from you!

We want you to know what you think works and what you think doesn’t so please let us know below what you would keep, change or add!